Data collection and Meaningful Measures

We use a questionnaire called MYMOP® in our data collection. Meaningful Measures Ltd operates the licence for MYMOP® and collects anonymised and non-identifiable data from all users around the world to create a database of anonymised concerns/symptoms/activities.
For our system that means: ‘Symptom 1’, ‘Symptom 2’, ‘How bad’, ‘How long’, ‘Activity’, ‘How bad’, ‘Wellbeing’, ‘Medication data’ will be shared, but no additional condition or personal data will be shared with them.
This data collection helps organisations understand people’ needs. Your MYMOP® data will be fully anonymised and sent securely to Meaningful Measures, for more information see their website:
Your anonymised and non-identifiable data will also be used to further the respective alternative and complementary fields through research articles and general public awareness of the benefits of said field.
If you do not consent to your anonymised data being shared, please contact the practitioner directly to book your appointment.
Patients anonymised and non-identifiable data will also be used to further the respective alternative and complementary fields through research articles and general public awareness of the benefits of said field. The above data as well as:
- Diagnostic data’, for instance; ‘Tongue diagnosis’, ‘Pulse diagnosis’, ‘Constitutional factor’, ‘Full diagnosis’, ‘Treatment strategy’. Not including ‘’Additional conditions(s) data’. Also ‘Treatment data’, for instance; ‘Points used’, ‘Additional points’, ‘Additional notes’.
will be used for this purpose. Again, no personal/identifiable data will be shared.
On YourClinic practitioners own and are responsible for the quality and accuracy of the data. They grant YourClinic access to the above data. Practitioners may use the data as they wish, for instance, for clinical audits, case studies etc.
Patient data will only ever be accessed in a fully anonymised form. No medical information, in any form, will be published alongside identifying details such as name, address
For instance: 500 (56.2%) of patients reporting chronic back pain were treated with Shen shu/BL23. Of those patients, 379 reported improvement in pain by treatment 5".