

Lewisham Community Acupuncture

About us

Low cost Community Acupuncture in Lewisham on Tuesdays 16.30 til 20.30 from £28 per 45 minute appointment.

Supporting clients to enjoy vibrant health.

Conditions treated include:

All pain conditions, fertility, gastro-intestinal disorders, insomnia, anxiety and mental health issues, auto-immune conditions, skin disorders, sports injury and recovery, gynaecological health, and quality of life in old age.

We also offer lifestyle advice to support clients in a holistic way. Our goal is to as quickly as possible help clients to manage or resolve the issue that has brought them to the clinic. If they wish to keep coming for ongoing support or for wellness then we are happy for them to do so.

All of our practitioners are qualified, licensed, insured, and member of the relevant professional associations.

Our simple booking and follow up forms help us to give more treatments at a lower cost, and to measure the outcome so you can see the benefits.

Part of a wider family of clinics, delivering affordable treatments with measurable benefits, helping clients to overcome their pain and other issues, and improve their quality of life.

Get in touch today to find out how we can help you.

Our services

Take a look through the services that we offer from this practice.

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Find us

103 Torridon Road SE6 1RQ

Reviews (3)

Here are some of the reviews that our patients have left us.


Rory O'Driscoll