The Little Acupuncture Room is a community, affordable acupuncture specifically set up for children and teenagers. We offer acupuncture and a wide range of non-needle techniques so that every child can experience treatment in a way which is acceptable to them.
We are a team of six practitioners who work collaboratively. This means your child will benefit from the knowledge of several skilled and experienced practitioners, rather than just one. Your child’s notes will be kept securely online and can be accessed by every practitioner in the team to ensure treatment is seamless and consistent. Every member of the team:
We want treatment to be accessible to every child, whatever their family’s financial status. We also want children to be able to receive treatment for as long as they need to and for cost not to restrict this. To that end, you can choose what you pay.
We work on a sliding scale payment system from £20-45 per treatment. Treatments are always the same, but we have a variety of price points so that the clinic is accessible. Payments of £40 per session ensures we cover our runnings costs, though we understand that is too much for some people. So please pay what you are able to. This way we can properly support the admin and upkeep of the project. Thank you.
Take a look through the services that we offer from this practice.
Affordable, effective acupuncture and non-needle therapies for babies, children and teenagers.
First session: 1 hour - £30 - £60
Follow up: 30 mins - £20 - £45